Celebration of New Global Church Music Resources

Thursday, November 14, 2024
9:00 am - 10:30 am


We invite you to join us for the celebration of the launch of two online projects!

First, we are excited to release the third edition of the Nigerian Christian Songs project. This project began in 2021 with the first class of doctoral students from the Nigerian Baptist Theological Seminary (NBTS). While the content is housed on our website, it is created by the students in Nigeria.  What would it look like to build a church songbook from the bottom up, rather than the top down? How would a songbook look (and sound) if it were built around the perspectives of lay church members and leaders?

The collaboration between Baylor and NBTS has occurred three times, as each class has added new material to the website.  This year, Drs. Ingalls, Baker, and Ayanyinka guided the class in their new additions, expanding this vital resource.

Second, we are excited to announce the launch of our new project: The Global Church Music Bibliography. This project responds to the struggle to find research by church music scholars writing about their own traditions outside North America.  While research exists about church music in different parts of the world, it is most often done by outsiders to that community. (In many cases, an American scholar travels to those places and then writes about what they observed.). This project intentionally and exclusively consists of English-language research by non-Western scholars.  This project provides various ways to engage with the material, including an interactive map.

Graduate students were also involved in creating this project.  A team of Baylor church music students contacted scholars, researched sources to include, and wrote annotations.  These students were able to cultivate research skills that they can use in their research beyond the project.

At our launch, we will hear from leaders at the Nigerian Baptist Theological Seminary and Baylor University's Dunn Center for Christian Music Studies, as well as the students who worked on each project.  

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