Past Events
BNG Conference 2012
The Center for Christian Music Studies hosted its second Building the Next Generation of Worship Leaders Conference September 27-29, 2012. This event brought together church music faculty from colleges and universities that offer undergraduate church music training.
Colloquium on Baptist Church Music
The Center for Christian Music Studies hosted the Colloquium on Baptist Church Music, September 24-25, 2009, on the Baylor University campus. Fourteen scholars from across the United States and Scotland presented papers on the history, philosophy, and practice of Baptist church music. With the permission of their authors these papers are being posted on this website.
Colloquium on the Reformation
The Colloquium featured plenary presentations by Paul Westermeyer, Emeritus Professor of Church Music, Luther Seminary, St. Paul, Minnesota, and papers by a variety of scholars on different facets of the history, philosophy, practice, and influence of the Reformation on church music from the sixteenth century to the present.
Mosaic Worship Service
Mosaic is an annual worship service entirely planned, organized, and led by undergraduate and graduate church music students, providing valuable practical experience for them. Designed to incorporate the whole Baylor community, this service combines many expressions of worship such as music, drama, art, and scripture.
YouthCUE Festival
The annual youth choir festival, bringing together students from across Texas churches for a weekend of music making and fellowship.