From Postlude to Prelude - 1st Ed.
Music Ministry's Other Six Days, First Edition
C. Randall Bradley, author
Publisher: Morning Star Music Publishing
From Postlude to Prelude is a comprehensive book on church music administration. Topics include: Philosophical/Theological Issues; Personal Issues; Employment/Vocational Issues; Working with Church Staff; Involving Others; Promotion; Organization and Time Management; Facilities and Purchases; Dealing with Transition; Ministering in Special Situations. This book is designed for both church music classes and those involved in leading music ministries. It will help not only those who have been in music ministry for a while, but also those who are just starting their careers.
John Witvliet says: "Business leaders have ‘best practices books' by the hundreds. Lawyers, doctors, and pastors have them by the dozens. Now those of us in Church music have at least one!" The book includes helps on Working with Committees and Working with Difficult People, Housing Allowances, Social Security Taxes, Financial Management, and Avoiding Burnout. There is a Minister's Compensation Worksheet, a Minister's Housing Allowance Worksheet, and an extensive Bibliography and Index. The material presented will help you negotiate all those "nitty-gritty" details that fill your days from Monday to Saturday.