Dr. Monique Ingalls
Associate Professor of Music Director of Research and Graduate Programs, Church Music

Ph.D., Anthropology of Music, University of Pennsylvania (2008)
B.A., Music, John Brown University (2003)
Academic Interests and Research
Christian congregational music; gospel music in global perspective; religious music in digital culture; the music of global Pentecostalism; how congregational music operates in processes of community creation, boundary formation, and conciliation
Monique Ingalls joined the Baylor church music faculty in 2014. Prior to her appointment at Baylor, she spent three years as a postdoctoral teaching fellow at the University of Cambridge. From 2014-2015, she was appointed Senior Research Fellow and Visiting Assistant Professor at Yale University’s Institute of Sacred Music. Dr. Ingalls’s research examines the effects of 20th and 21st century social, cultural, and technological changes on Christian communities through the lens of congregational music-making, both in and beyond North America. Her work has been published in journals, encyclopedias, and edited books in several fields, including ethnomusicology, media studies, hymnology, religious studies, and ecclesiology.
Dr. Ingalls is dedicated to building collaborative research networks for the study of Christian music and religious music more broadly. She co-founded the “Christian Congregational Music: Local and Global Perspectives” conference, a biennial international gathering which meets in Cuddesdon, Oxford, UK (congregationalmusic.org). She is senior series editor for the Congregational Music Studies book series with Routledge Press. She also was co-founder and first president of the Religion, Music, and Sound Section of the Society for Ethnomusicology.
Dr. Ingalls’s courses on music in Christian communities draw insights from music studies, anthropology, media studies, and practical theology. In addition to her classical training as a pianist and choral singer, she has also enjoyed stints as a cover band keyboardist, a Javanese gamelan percussion player, and a singer of traditional polyphony from the Republic of Georgia. Dr. Ingalls resides in North Waco with her husband, daughters, and cats, and serves as Music Liturgist for Holy Spirit Episcopal Church.
Selected Publications
2021. Mall Andrew, Jeffers Engelhardt, and Monique M. Ingalls, eds. Studying Congregational Music: Key Issues, Methods, and Theoretical Perspectives. New York: Routledge.
2019. Cook, Nicolas, Monique M. Ingalls, and David Trippett, eds. The Cambridge Companion to Music in Digital Culture. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
2018. Ingalls, Monique M. Singing the Congregation: How Contemporary Worship Music Forms Evangelical Community. New York: Oxford University Press.
2018. Ingalls, Monique M., Muriel Swijghuisen Reigersberg, and Zoe C. Sherinian, eds. Making Congregational Music Local in Christian Communities Worldwide. London and New York: Routledge Press.
2015. Ingalls, Monique M. and Amos Yong, eds. The Spirit of Praise: Music and Worship in Global Pentecostal-Charismatic Christianity. University Park, PA: Pennsylvania State University Press.
2013. Ingalls, Monique M. Carolyn Landau, and Tom Wagner, eds. Christian Congregational Music: Performance, Identity, and Experience. Farnham: Ashgate.
Digital Humanities & Public Scholarship
2022. Abioye, M., V. Adeyinka, M. Amuro, A. Ayanyinka, T. Chesirri, G. Okoronkwo, M. Ingalls, B. McGough, S. Baker, and S. Tandei. Nigerian Christian Songs: A Digital Interactive Songbook. Public digital humanities research website. Baylor WordPress: https://sites.baylor.edu/nigerianchristiansongs/
Recent Articles and Chapters
2022. Ingalls, Monique M. “Of Animatronic Praise Bands and Worship Leading Chickens: The Serious Business of Evangelical Christian Worship Parody Videos.” Journal of Religion and Popular Culture 34(3), 81-98. https://doi.org/10.3138/jrpc.2021-0023
2022. Baker, Shannan and Monique M. Ingalls. “The Sound of Revival: Musical Rhetoric in the Toronto Blessing and Bethel Church.” The Journal of Pentecostal and Charismatic Christianity 42(1): 17-32. https://doi.org/10.1080/27691616.2022.2042043
2021. Mall, Andrew, Jeffers Engelhardt, and Monique M. Ingalls. “Interdisciplinarity and Epistemic Diversity in Congregational Music Studies.” Studying Congregational Music: Key Issues, Methods, and Theoretical Perspectives, ed. by Mall et al, pp. 1-14. London and New York: Routledge Press. https://doi.org/10.4324/9780429492020
2020. Ingalls, Monique M. Guest Editor for THE HYMN: A Journal of Congregational Song 71(3): Summer 2020.
2020. Ingalls, Monique M. “Welcoming the Scholarly Stranger: New Directions, Challenges, and Possibilities in Research on Congregational Song.” THE HYMN: A Journal of Congregational Song 71(3).
2020. Ingalls, Monique M. 2020. “Ritual Musicking in the 21st Century: Conformant or Convivial?.” In Naxos Musicology International, www.naxosmusiclibrary.com
2019. Ingalls, Monique M. “Digital Devotion: Musical Multimedia in Online Ritual and Religious Practice.” In The Cambridge Companion to Music and Digital Culture, ed. by Nicholas Cook, Monique M. Ingalls, and David Trippett, pp. 150-167. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
2018. Ingalls, Monique M., Muriel Swijghuisen Reigersberg, and Zoe C. Sherinian. “Music as Local and Global Positioning: How Congregational Music-Making Produces the Local in Christian Communities Worldwide.” In Making Congregational Music Local in Christian Communities Worldwide, edited by Monique M. Ingalls, Muriel Swijghuisen Reigersberg, and Zoe C. Sherinian, pp. 1-31. London and New York: Routledge Press.
2017. Ingalls, Monique M. 2017. “Style Matters: Contemporary Worship Music and the Meaning of Popular Musical Borrowings.” Liturgy: A Journal of the Liturgical Conference 32:1, 7-15. https://doi.org/10.1080/0458063X.2016.1229435
Works in Progress
McKenzie, Dulcie Dixon, Pauline Muir, and Monique M. Ingalls, eds. Black British Gospel Music: From the Windrush Generation to Black Lives Matter. Under contract with Routledge Press (London and New York). Anticipated 2023.
O'Connor, Michael and Monique M. Ingalls, eds. Oxford Handbook of Music and Christian Theology, Vol. 5, “Contexts,”. Under contract with Oxford University Press (Oxford and New York). Anticipated 2024.
Ingalls, Monique M. British Gospel Choirs: Representing Race and Resounding Religion in Twenty-first Century Britain. Monograph proposal submitted to publisher Fall 2023.
Ingalls, Monique M., A. Ayanyinka, and E. Chesirri. “Reconstructing Hymn Canons through International Partnership: The Nigerian Christian Songs Project as Cultural Archive, Pedagogical Tool, and Decolonial Resource.” In Hymns and Constructions of Race: Agency, Mobility, Coloniality, ed. by Erin Johnson-Williams and Philip Burnett. Under contract with Routledge Press.
Recent Awards, Grants, and Fellowships
2023 Next Generation Visiting Research Fellowship, University of Bristol, UK
2023 Visiting Research Fellowship, University of Haifa, Israel
2023 Franklin Research Grant, American Philosophical Society
2022 Visiting Research Fellowship, Queen’s Foundation for Ecumenical Theological Education, Birmingham, UK
2022 Individual Research Grant, The American Academy of Religion 2020 Baylor Fellows Program Award for Excellence in Teaching
2019 National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) Summer Stipend
2019 Calvin Institute of Christian Worship Teacher-Scholar Grant
2019 Outstanding Faculty Award for Tenure-Track Scholarship, Baylor University
Ph.D. students
Dr. Nathan Myrick, Assistant Professor of Church Music, Mercer University
Dissertation: “The Relational Ethics of Church Music” (2018)
Dr. Marcell Steuernagel, Assistant Professor and Director of the Sacred Music Program, Southern Methodist University
Dissertation: “Church Music Through the Lens of Performance: The Embodied Ritual of Sacred Play” (2018)
Dr. Maria Monteiro, Lecturer in Church Music, Baylor University
Dissertation: “Perceiving Parallax: Human Agency in the Changing Nature, History, and Influence of the Brazilian Baptist Hymnal Cantor Cristão” (2021)
Dr. Jacob Sensenig, Minister of Music & Worship Arts, Trinity Baptist Church San Antonio, TX
Dissertation: “Passin' the Faith Along: A Sonic History of the Gaither Vocal Band” (2021)
Dr. Shannan Baker, Postdoctoral Fellow in Church Music and Digital Humanities, Baylor University
Dissertation: “The Mystery, Music, and Markets of Contemporary Worship Songs: An Interdisciplinary Study of CCLI Top Songs from 2010-2020” (2022)
Dr. Joseph D. Noëlliste, Ph.D. in Church Music, Baylor University
Dissertation: “‘The Choir Is Dead, Long Live the Choir’: Contemporary Worship Music and the Transformation of the Church Choir” (2022)
Samuel Tandei, ABD, Baylor Church Music Ph.D. Program
Dissertation: “Western Sacred Music as a Mode of Interreligious Engagement in a Muslim Majority Context: A Case Study of Indonesian University Choirs” (in progress)
Eric Amouzou, ABD, Baylor Church Music Ph.D. Program
Dissertation: “Reverse Mission or Localization?: A Case Study of Congregational Singing in Three African-Pioneered Churches in Dallas-Fort Worth, Texas” (in progress)
Michael Huerter, ABD, Baylor Church Music Ph.D. Program
“Church Music in the Age of Social Media” (in progress)
Courses taught at Baylor
Gospel Music in Global Perspective
Congregational Song in Global Perspective
Introduction to Research Methods in Church Music
Research in Congregational Song
Research in Christian Worship
Professional Development and Teaching Practicum
Song of the Church
Instruments in the Church