What's Happening in Church Music - February 6, 2024
The Dunn Center is excited to announce the launch of a biweekly newsletter to share updates with the Baylor family on developments related to research, upcoming events, and to highlight the success of our students, faculty, alumni, and research initiatives. It is our hope that these regular communications will assist in sharing the exciting news of our work and build a stronger, more connected community of supporters.
Each issue of this newsletter will include:
- A FEATURED section highlighting one area of our work that we believe you should know about
- A SPOTLIGHT section on the successes and achievements of Baylor church music alumni, faculty, staff, and current students
- An UPCOMING EVENTS section to showcase events that are on the horizon
- A STUDENT ANNOUNCEMENTS section to share important deadlines and opportunities with our current students
It is our hope that you will find this offering meaningful and informative. If you have any questions about our work you can reach out to us at CCMS@baylor.edu.
In February 2023, Baylor School of Music celebrated the naming of the Dunn Center for Christian Music Studies. With this naming came the creation of an endowment to support, in part, student travel and scholarship. In recent months, the endowment has provided assistance to undergraduate and graduate students for travel awards. Later this week, students will travel to Grand Rapids, Michigan for the Calvin Symposium on Worship. In December, we awarded the first doctoral dissertation research award, supporting international travel for one of our D.M.A. students. Through the endowment the Center continues to support the work of our students and will, in the future, provide substantial support to the work of our faculty and staff.
Learn more about the Dunn family's gift on the Center's website.
- Jonathan Keith (MM '23) recently accepted a position with "The President's Own" Marine Band and Chamber Orchestra. Read more about Jonathan's time at Baylor in the first Alumni Spotlight of 2024.
- Matthew Hazelwood (MM '17) recently started a new position as Pastor for Music & Worship at First Baptist Church of Bremen, Georgia.
- Matthew Sumrall (BM '22) recently started a new position as Minister of Music at First Baptist Church of Rockport, Texas.
- Have an update or story to share? Email us.
The Baylor Sacred Harp sing will be held on February 10th. Sacred Harp singing is so named after the shape-note tunebook Sacred Harp, first published by B. F. White and E. J. King in 1844. Much of the music in this book consists of folk hymns that were passed down orally for many years before being written down; among the familiar tunes are those for "Amazing grace, how sweet the sound," "Brethren, we have met to worship," and "What wondrous love is this."
- Date: Saturday, February 10th
- Time: Singing School - 9:30am, Singing Start - 10:00am
- Location: Truett Theological Seminary, Great Hall
Learn more about this event on our website.
The Spring 2024 Advisory Board meeting for the Dunn Center will be held on Thursday, February 22nd. We look forward to welcoming this dedicated group of supporters to campus for a one-day meeting.
Learn more about the Advisory Board on our website.
We are proud to welcome songwriter and worship leader Laura Story to campus as the Spring 2024 Hearn Innovator. During her residency, Laura will attend classes, share meals with students, and present an open lecture to the public on Monday, February 26th. We hope you will make plans to join us for this event.
- Date: Monday, February 26
- Time: 6:00pm
- Location: Waco Hall, Recital Hall II
Learn more about this event on our website.
We are currently recruiting students to work for this summer's upcoming conference and summer music camp. Spaces are available for two simultaneously occurring events.
Alleluia Conference Associates: Students are needed to provide hospitality to conference attendees, introduce speakers during breakout sessions, and troubleshoot any technical challenges that arise. Additionally, students will lead in worship gatherings and be responsible for recording breakout sessions. The success of this event is attributed to the dedicated work of our student team.
Worship Lab Camp Counselors: Students working this event will be responsible for supervising band rehearsals with visiting ministry teams and students, participating in small group discussions, leading worship/devotional times, supervising students in dorms/dining halls, and playing/singing as needed to fill in ensembles.
Students interested in signing up to work one of these important events should complete the sign-up form. Open to others outside of Church Music as well!
Students have the opportunity to meet with Laura Story during the Hearn Innovators Series February 26-28. Please refer to your email (from CCMS@baylor.edu) with the sign-up link to add yourself to a meal or coffee conversation time slot with Laura!
To receive these updates biweekly in your inbox, signup here.