Church Music Student Wins Baylor Organ Competition

Every two years, the Baylor School of Music hosts the Semper Pro Musica solo and chamber Ensemble competition. Top students from all divisions prepare 10-30 minute mini recitals for the oppurtunity to perform at Carnegie Hall, St. Patrick’s Cathedral (N.Y.C.), and the Kimbell Museum Renzo Piano Pavilion (Fort Worth). Learn more about the 2024 Semper Pro Musica winners.
We sat down with Chanmi Kim (M.M. Church Music ‘25), the winner of the Semper Pro Musica Organ Competition to talk about her organ journey and this exciting opportunity.
Chanmi is from Geoje, South Korea where she earned her bachelor’s degree in piano performance.
Question: When did you decide to pursue organ performance?
When I entered the university, that's the first time I saw a real pipe organ. Our school had a secondary organ class. I took that class and it was really fun. Especially, the ones with pedal board ones– it looks like dancing. they looked fancy. [Playing the organ] also allows more freedom. Like when I play hymns –usually organists make their own introductions. I really wanted to learn that kind of thing. So, after I graduated, I took private lessons.
What was your preparation process for Semper Pro?
The students in the organ studio began preparing together, and about a month before the competition, we went through the process of listening to each other's performances and offering feedback, which was incredibly helpful for me. It wasn't easy to prepare a 30-minute program, and as the competition day approached, I felt more and more stressed, especially about the pedal playing, as some parts were quite challenging. However, I was determined to deliver a strong performance for my friends and the audience, so I practiced diligently, even starting early in the morning on the day before the competition! It was physically demanding, but all the hard work paid off, and I'm grateful for how much I gained from the preparation!
Regarding your New York experience, what are you most looking forward to?
I haven’t played many kinds of organs. So, that organ [at St. Patrick’s Cathedral] is obviously the most significant organ in the U.S. I'm really thrilled about playing!
Join Chanmi in concert at St. Patrick's Cathedral in New York City on Friday, May 17th at 3PM. The event is free and open to the public.
Sic 'em, Chanmi!